Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on PIT | Patriots for Integrated Tactics | Forum. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Krait USA P.I.T. Forum Rules

    1. Respecting the privacy of personal information is paramount. Sharing another person's private details such as real names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses without their explicit consent is strictly forbidden. This extends to posting any personal data that could be used to identify, contact, or locate an individual. Such actions not only violate privacy laws but can also lead to identity theft and other personal harms. #
    2. All content posted on our forums, including text, images, videos, and any other forms of media, must strictly adhere to intellectual property laws. Members are prohibited from posting any material that they do not own or for which they do not have explicit permission from the rightful owner. Violation of copyright laws can lead to legal consequences for both the individual poster and the forum. To protect against liability, always ensure you have the right to share content before posting. #
    3. Our forum is committed to legality and ethics. Encouraging or engaging in illegal activities, including but not limited to sharing links to pirated software, providing instructions for engaging in criminal actions, or advising on how to break the law, will be met with immediate action. Posts of this nature will be removed, and the offending members may face bans and potential legal action. #
    4. Krait USA values free speech and the exchange of ideas, recognizing that dialogue involving topics like gender, religion, and politics can evoke strong opinions. To maintain a forum that supports both robust discussion and respects individual differences, we adhere to the following principles:

      Constructive Engagement: Members are encouraged to present their viewpoints in ways that are informative and constructive. We expect discussions to be based on factual information, respectful argumentation, and openness to differing viewpoints.
      No Derogatory Language: While members may express controversial or unpopular opinions, language that directly demeans, belittles, or harasses individuals or groups based on intrinsic characteristics such as race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, etc., is not permitted. This includes pejorative terms, stereotypes, and any speech intended to degrade or dehumanize.
      Debates on Sensitive Topics: It is permissible to discuss and debate topics like gender theory, political ideologies, and religious beliefs. However, these discussions must not cross into personal attacks or become conduits for spreading harmful stereotypes. It’s important that these debates are rooted in respect and a genuine desire for understanding rather than confrontation.
      Balancing Rights with Responsibilities: In fostering an environment of free expression, members must remember that their rights to speak freely come with the responsibility not to infringe on others’ dignity and rights. Disagreements might be inevitable, but mutual respect is obligatory.
      Moderation and Appeals: Moderators will enforce these guidelines, focusing on the tone and intent behind messages. Members who feel their posts have been unfairly moderated can appeal to a review panel for a fair reconsideration. #
    5. Harassment, bullying, witch-hunting, and threats of violence are prohibited. Our community is a safe space for all members, free from intimidation and abuse. Engaging in these behaviors will result in swift disciplinary action, including bans from the forum. It is vital for legal protection and the integrity of our community that all members feel secure and respected. #
    6. To maintain the quality and relevance of our forum discussions, unsolicited advertisements and spam are forbidden. This includes excessive self-promotion and irrelevant content. Official promotions or advertisements that are partnered with or endorsed by forum administrators must be approved beforehand. This rule helps protect the forum from becoming inundated with spam, which can detract from user experience and diminish community value. #
    7. Our moderators are tasked with enforcing these rules to ensure that the forum remains a constructive and welcoming environment for all members. Respecting the decisions of moderators is essential; if you disagree with a moderation decision, you should address it through the appropriate channels privately rather than disputing it publicly, which can disrupt forum harmony. #
    8. Violating any of the forum's legal rules may lead to actions including the removal of posts, temporary bans, or even permanent bans, depending on the severity of the infraction. The forum reserves the right to remove any content that violates these rules or that disrupts the peace and safety of our community. These consequences are necessary to uphold the law and protect the forum and its members from legal risks and liabilities. #