The Necessity of a Parallel Economy

For Conservative American Christians, the strategy of building and participating in a parallel economy is not about withdrawing from society but about asserting their place in it. It involves creating and supporting businesses, media outlets, and educational platforms that respect their values. The aim is to cultivate a culture that promotes freedom, respects diversity of thought, and protects the right to disagree—an antidote to the often unforgiving cancel culture.

By choosing to spend our money within networks that respect and promote their values, we are not just securing our economic future but are also making a stand for our beliefs. This strategic choice is seen as essential, not only for survival but for the flourishing of their communities in a time when cultural and political tides often seem opposed to our deeply held convictions.
  • Forum
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  • Foundations of a Parallel Economy
    Discuss the essential components and principles needed to establish a robust parallel economy that aligns with conservative values.
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  • Local Currencies and Bartering Systems
    Explore the feasibility and implementation of local currencies or bartering systems that could reduce dependence on mainstream financial systems.
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  • Building Conservative E-Commerce Platforms
    Brainstorm the development of conservative-led e-commerce platforms to compete with mainstream giants, focusing on promoting and selling products from conservative businesses.
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  • Conservative Tech Startups: Opportunities and Challenges
    Analyze the landscape for tech startups within the parallel economy, identifying opportunities for innovation and the challenges they face against established tech giants.
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  • Education and Training Within the Parallel Economy
    Discuss ways to establish educational institutions and training programs that reflect and promote conservative values, preparing future generations for leadership in the parallel economy.
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  • Healthcare Alternatives: A Conservative Approach
    Explore alternative healthcare solutions, including health-sharing ministries and conservative-led medical facilities that operate outside of mainstream insurance systems.
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  • Sustainable Agriculture and Food Independence
    Encourage discussions on promoting sustainable agricultural practices and achieving food independence through conservative-led farming cooperatives and community gardens.
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  • Media and Information Dissemination
    Tackle the challenge of creating reliable conservative media outlets to counteract perceived biases in mainstream media, focusing on strategies for dissemination and reaching broader audiences.
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  • Legal and Regulatory Challenges
    Examine the legal and regulatory hurdles that could impact the development of a parallel economy and discuss strategies to navigate these challenges.
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  • Security and Protection Services
    Discuss the role of private security and protection services within a parallel economy, considering the need for safety in communities and businesses aligned with conservative principles.
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